Ewhurst C of E Aided Infant School

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The Street, Ewhurst,


01483 277291

Ewhurst C of E Aided Infant School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. SEND Provision

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


Ewhurst CE Infant School is dedicated to providing the best possible support for all children, breaking down any barriers preventing access to a broad and balanced education.  

To find out more about our offer, click on the link below.

SEND Information Report 2023-24

You can read our full SEND Policy by clicking on the link below.

SEND and Inclusion Policy 2023-24

The school SENCO is Mrs Samantha Rapley. You can be contacted through the school office on 01483 277291 or by email on senco@ewhurst.surrey.sch.uk

For more information, see the Surrey Local Offer website here.