Ewhurst C of E Aided Infant School

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The Street, Ewhurst,


01483 277291

Ewhurst C of E Aided Infant School

Open Morning Tours for Admissions September 2025 now available. Please call the school office on 01483 277291 to book your place.

  1. Extended Childcare
  2. Early Bird Breakfast Club

Early Bird Breakfast Club

Our breakfast is available to all children who attend Ewhurst Infant School.  The club is open from 7.45 am to 8.4 am, Monday to Friday term time only.

The cost per session is £6.50 (discount for siblings), which includes the provision of a healthy breakfast of cereals, toast, fruit and yogurt.  A selection of books, games and craft activities will be available for children to enjoy during the session.  The club is based in the hall, with entry via the side gate, and the children will have access to outdoor play in the playground, including the trim trail, trikes and sports equipment.  Children will be signed in on arrival and will be handed over the class teacher at 8.40 am.

All children need to be registered with the club and booking forms will go out every half term for you to book sessions.  Spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  Ad hoc bookings can be made, but requests must be made no later than 3.00 pm the day before and will only be accepted if there is availability.

Staff: Supervisor: Amanda Elsdon-Dew

For more information, please contact the office by emailing info@ewhurst.surrey.sch.uk or calling 01483 - 277291

Please click on the links below for:

Terms and Conditions 2024/25

Explorers Breakfast and After School Club Registration Form 2024/25

Booking Form September October 2024