Admissions Policy 2025/26
Please click on the link below:
Admissions Forms 2025/26
Please click on the links to download these forms:
Supplementary Information Form (required if applying under Criteria 3 or 5).
To apply for a school place please contact Surrey Admissions or login to your personal Admissions e-portal account. Click here to follow the link to the EAdmissions login page.
If you wish to apply for an in year school place - Surrey County Council ( please follow this link
As a school we would appreciate if you could also get in touch with us directly. Thank you.
More Guidance on how to apply for a school place can be found here:
Key dates and deadlines for primary school admissions
Prepare and apply
8 September 2024 onwards
- Read the information on this website carefully
- Visit schools on open days and evenings
- Read school prospectuses
- Contact the Admissions Team if you have any questions
- Read schools' oversubscription admission criteria
Deadline for applying
15 January 2025 - closing date for applications
- Submit your preference form by the closing date
- Send your supplementary information forms (SIF) if applicable to the preferred school(s) in support of your application
- If Surrey County Council receives your application after 15 January 2024 your application will be considered as a late application and will be processed in the additional rounds of allocation (see below)
Offers of school place by Surrey County Council
From 16 April 2025:
- Offer emails sent or view your offer online (online applicants only)
- Offer letters posted only to those that applied using a paper application form (by the closing date)
Next steps
16 April 2025 onwards
We will assume you have accepted the allocated place unless you let us know otherwise (check the rules on acceptance directly with the school if you are offered a school place in another county).
Apply to join a waiting list by sending us an email or a letter or submit an appeal form for your preferred school if you wish.
We will not withdraw a school place solely because you are dissatisfied and decline the offer. We must have notice that your child has a school place elsewhere. This is because we have a duty to ensure that all children are receiving their education entitlement.
How we deal with late applications
Late applications are dealt with in rounds. Each round has a cut off for applications to be included in it.
The allocation process can take a number of weeks, depending on how many applications are received.
Emails will be sent to all late applicants who apply online. We will only inform parents of children on a waiting list if we are able to offer a place. Otherwise, their child's name will remain on the waiting list for the next round.
There is no need to contact us after completing a late application form - we will contact you once an offer has been made.
Additional rounds of applications (late applications)
Cut off dates for applications to be included in each round:
Round 1
10 May 2025 (process starts 20 May 2025 and can take up to 4 weeks)
Round 2
14 June 2025 (process starts 24 June 2025 and can take up to 3 weeks)
Admissions Appeals Timetable 2025/2026
15th May 2025 - Date by which primary admission appeals should be lodged
17th July 2025 - Target date for which any appeals lodged by the due date will be heard.
Appeals will not start being heard until after the relevant closing date has passed. Appeals lodged after these dates will be heard within 40 school days of the appeal deadline or 30 school days of being lodged, whichever is the later date.
Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least 10 clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case 7 clear working days in advance of the hearing.
Appellants must ensure that any further evidence, not included with their initial appeal, is received by 5pm on the day notified in the letter with details of the hearing. Any additional evidence or information received after this date might not be considered at the appeal hearing.
In year or immediate entry appeals
Appeals resulting from in year admission applications will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.